HomeInsightNews & UpdateZeeve and Optimism Partners to Transform Layer-2 Rollups

Zeeve and Optimism Partners to Transform Layer-2 Rollups

Zeeve and Optimism Partners to Transform Layer-2 Rollups

Leading provider of Rollups-as-a-service (RaaS), Zeeve, has partnered with Optimism to become an official implementation partner and major infrastructure supplier for OP Stack chains.

With just a few clicks, this will allow organizations to swiftly build and maintain enterprise-class Rollups for gaming, DeFi, payments, social media, and more. Zeeve will assist in the deployment, integration, and management of the underlying Rollup infrastructure, allowing teams to concentrate more on their primary business priorities while also saving time and money.

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“OP Stack is by far the most steady, market-ready, and battle-tested toolkit to build customized Rollup chains. We are happy to extend the capabilities and benefits of OP Stack to achieve high levels of customizability, security, and throughput. However, businesses also need the sheer ease of deploying and managing a new L2 for every enterprise or dApp that needs one. Zeeve RaaS brings that to the picture. We let you launch and customize rollups in a simplistic manner with all managed infra, middleware, and 3rd party integrations. Hence, you worry less about DevOps and work more on shipping updates for your use case.” Dr Ravi Chamria Co-founder and CEO of Zeeve said.

Users will have more options for starting scalable L2 rollup chains now that the Zeeve platform supports OP Stack. This helps everyone who wants to be a part of the Optimism ecosystem and the larger Ethereum ecosystem as a whole, as well as the large Zeeve community of over 30,000 web3 startups and over 40 institutions already on the platform.

“We are excited that Zeeve has extended RaaS support to the Superchain. The OP Stack is fast becoming a codebase of choice for web3 builders, and this collaboration will help reach and onboard new developers and make building within Optimism’s Superchain ecosystem even more accessible.” Tess Rinearson Head of Emerging Products at OP Labs said.

About Zeeve

Zeeve is a Blockchain-Infrastructure-as-a-Service and a Rollups-as-a-Service (RaaS) platform, operating across India, the US, Europe, and Dubai.

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