Meet this man, Shashank Kumar, who generated almost Rs 2000 CR. FY23 revenue resolving the 2.2 million+ farmers’ issues. He was born into a lower-middle-class family in the Chhapra district, of Bihar. From an early age, Shashank was an intelligent guy who also graduated from IIT Delhi and later got a job at a good package in Delhi. Then he took a big step.
Shashank quit his job at the age of 24 and came back to Bihar from Delhi.
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Why Shashank quit the job?
During his job, Shashank realised that he is not made for a job and that he wanted to accomplish something great. What can he do, he considered? At that time, Shashank realised that making others happy makes him happy. But he has no idea: how can he make people happy?
Then, Shashank noticed Approximately 14 crore farmers are feeding all people around the country and contributing 14% to agriculture, but they are unable to adequately feed themselves. In the farming sector, there are a lot of inefficiencies, like food loss and loan application difficulties, among many others. He determined that he would make farmers happy.
Finally, in 2012, Shashank founded his startup, DeHaat, along with his friends.
What is DeHaat?
DeHaat is an agri-tech company that offers the Indian farming community end-to-end solutions and services. They are developing AI-enabled tools to transform farming’s supply chain and production efficiency. With a vast network of 11,000+ DeHaat centres and 503 FPOs, they operate in 12 agricultural states in India, serving more than 2.2 million farmers. Additionally, they offer farmers AI-enabled crop advisories in regional languages for over 30 crops.
Read also – Agritech startup DeHaat acquires foodtech company Y-Cook
Success never comes without struggles.
Shashank was not from a business family. He had no knowledge about businesses. Still, he didn’t lose hope, and worked day and night. During their entrepreneurial journey, Shashank faced many challenges: Faced with loan application difficulties and market understanding difficulties, even Shashank failed 86 times while raising funds.
However, Shashank says, “When we do work with passion, we enjoy the challenges.
”Shashank’s brilliant thinking to do something big and his strong willpower to make people happy made him a successful entrepreneur.
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