HomeStoriesTechnologyThis Delhi-based start-up develops cyber security based EdTech platform || Virtual Cyber...

This Delhi-based start-up develops cyber security based EdTech platform || Virtual Cyber Labs

Virtual Cyber Labs
Dipanshu Parashar Founder of Virtual Cyber Labs

Dipanshu Parashar is a young entrepreneur and a renowned ethical hacker in India. He has been two times TEDx speaker, and listed in Top 5 Youngest Indian Influencers. Dipanshu has written two books exclusively on cybersecurity and a founder of Virtual Cyber Labs, a 21st generation cybersecurity based EdTech platform. He is Indian representative in International Youth Council and have been designing various products for developing a secure cyberspace. With over 50+ Public talks, lectures and seminars, Dipanshu has been active in panel sessions discovering various new opportunities in cybersecurity domain.

Dipanshu Parashar journey has been not that simple, at the age of 13 he started working as freelancer and started exploring different domains, this do impact his academics, but helped him to achieve some satisfying goals. Gradually, learning more skills improved his experience.

Studied in Mayur Public School in New Delhi, passing with 91% in 10th and 12th with 92.6% alongside his entrepreneurship journey was a relaxing moment for him. Education and Learning both have different objectives, he moreover a learner who is inclined towards experimenting things and to gain experience from them.

Virtual Cyber Labs –

Dipanshu Parashar started working in Cyber Security at early age and he has always felt the need of a Good Mentor. After providing free Internship and organizing various events, he realized how much difference can be made by teaching the right way. He wanted to do something in Ed-tech and one day, the idea of Virtual Cyber Labs crossed in his mind and he was sure that it would bring a Revolution. From that moment, Dipanshu Parashar and his complete team have been devoted completely to this Idea.

The Journey was never easy, multiple failures and day to day experiences, learning all of these things made him feel confident about himself. To him, solving real world problems seemed more interesting than textbooks.

The Venture started off by Bootstrapping, Dipanshu Parashar was lucky to have people who have the same kind of passion team. Virtual Cyber Labs has been profitable till now, and will be looking to go for Funding at the right time.

Dipanshu Parashar
“The biggest factor that helped me was Perseverance. I failed multiple times, worked hundreds of hours, but never stopped. I am glad that we are a team full of visionaries, the people who are optimistic and are solution oriented. We all are fortunate that our parents have been supporting, and understand our idea to bring a change”.

In startup journey, ever decision seems to be valuable, there were multiple times when Dipanshu Parashar thought that things are not in the favour, but some strong decisions to invest in different experimental marketing strategies, seemed to be a risk but helped them learning various things. In startups, revenue is not everything, how well you acquire users and customers play a vital role, He proud to share that there retention rate with their students is above 80% and they are really happy.

Coming from a Middle-Class Background, he never had access to the expensive resources. He wrote book and became the “Youngest Cybersecurity Author” at the age of 14.

Current structure of Virtual Cyber Labs

Currently, Virtual Cyber Labs are a team of 5 peoples, working on a remote basis. Team are Operational since last 6 months and their Startup is at the Validation Stage and working to get the Product Market Fit.

Advice to college graduates by Dipanshu Parashar

“Based on my experience of interacting with several graduates, if I have to give one piece of advice, it would be to have patience and curiosity. It takes time to achieve things, and you should be curious to learn new things every day. Always look for some individual growth opportunities, where you can discover your own potential, and can find a great aim to achieve via your skills”.


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