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Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India

By Viestories
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SpotDraft, Volody, LegalMind, MikeLegal, Quant Legaltech,  PracticeLeague, Provakil, Legistify, Lawyered, and Blog iPleaders are the Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India.
Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India

Legaltech startups are one of the growing sectors in India, Legaltech is a platform where they use technology and software to support and provide legal services. The main reason for this startup is the evolution of technology.

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Legaltech Starup's main aim is to replace the traditional ways of doing legal work with the help of new technology. The Legeltech platform helps lawyers in their jobs by providing them with efficient solutions. In this article, we will see some best legal tech startups in India.

10 Most Popular Legaltech Startups in India

Here is the list of the best legaltech startups in India

1. SpotDraft

Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | SpotDraft
Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | SpotDraft

SpotDraft is a Bengaluru-based AI-driven, end-to-end contract automation platform founded by Shashank Bijapur, Madhav Bhagat, and Rohith Salim. The Platform helps all types of organizations by offering multiple types of features such as reviewing, editing, and managing legal agreements directly, saving them considerable time and resources for handling multiple customers at once.

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The company also provides artificial intelligence-based features such as automated reminders and payment management.

2. Volody

Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | Volody
Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | Volody

Volody is a Mumbai-based legal tech startup founded by Dinesh Sharma and Poonam Sharma. The platform provides contract management software which is supported by artificial intelligence which automates and digitises forming legal contracts.

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The Platform offers various types of technology products such as Litigation Management and more.

3. LegalMind

Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | LegalMind
Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | LegalMind

LegalMind is a Delhi-based legal research, artificial intelligence, and predictive analytics legal tech startup in India. The Platform helps lawyers by uncovering hidden trends and patterns from case laws.

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The Platform also lawyers to make new strategies and helps them make data-driven decisions that can break or make a case. It also provides Document Summarizer features. Users can also use their 14-day free trial.

4. MikeLegal

Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | MikeLegal
Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | MikeLegal

MikeLegal is a Gurgaon-based Asia’s first Artificially Intelligent legal associate platform founded by Anshul Gupta and Ankit Yadav. The Platform's mission is to provide significant ease and eliminate the effort.

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With the help of Platform Legal teams can reduce cost, increase productivity, and also provide access to data which helps them to strategise better.  users can easily track their intellectual property usage and manage IP portfolios with the help of Mikelegal tools.

5. Quant Legaltech

Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | Quant Legaltech
Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | Quant Legaltech

Quant Legaltech is a Bangalore-based legal tech startup. company provides Legal and regulatory solutions through easy-to-implement technology solutions.

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The company's main mission is to improve contracts and due diligence for organizations and law firms. Users can also manage legal compliance issues with the help of tracking software. Users can also manage the lifecycle of contracts like draft contracts, create contracts, etc.

6. PracticeLeague

Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | PracticeLeague
Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | PracticeLeague

PracticeLeague is a Pune-based Legal tech platform founded by Parimal Chanchani in 2016. The company's main focus is on integrating enterprise legal management governance risk and compliance in alignment with the evolving role of legal.

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The company provides an intelligent and unified platform for the enterprise legal ecosystem driving digital transformation to the next level. It is one of the well-established and fast-growing startups.

7. Provakil

Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | Provakil
Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | Provakil

Provakil is a Pune-based data-driven, legal ops platform founded by Pulkit Anand, Ashish Madeti, and Akshat Anand. The company provides corporate legal departments and law firms solutions.

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The company provides multiple types of solutions such as litigation management, contract management, and compliance tracking. The company is partnered with more than 8000 courts in India as well and they are working with several lawyers to make them updated.

8. Legistify

Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | Legistify
Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | Legistify

Legistify is a Haryana-based Legal Management Software and services provider founded by Akshat Singhal and Pratik Mohapatra. It is one of the leading and fast-growing legal technology startups in India.

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The Platform works on multiple cases such as contracts, litigation, legal notices, intellectual property, and more. According to the company, their service is available to multiple enterprises in more than 300 countries.

9. Lawyered

Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | Lawyered
Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | Lawyered

Lawyered is a Delhi-based legal tech platform founded by Himanshu Gupta. The Platform provides disruptive solutions that offer all your legal needs. The platform provides legal assistance to professionals, businesses, and corporations.

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The platform's mission is to become one of the best legal advisory solution providers where they help people by giving solutions to their legal questions.

10. iPleaders

Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | iPleaders
Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India | iPleaders

iPleaders is one of the leading legal-tech startups they provide several courses and deliver up-to-date legal content. It is one of the fastest-growing platforms in India.

Apart from this they also provide more than 60 online courses such as lawyers, students, government officials, etc.

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The Indian legaltech Startups are growing rapidly, today almost everyone is reliable in the technology and due to this technology also comes into the legal industry. These legal startups provide several tools and services to help you with legal services. Legal tech provides multiple services that help lawyers corporate and individuals also.

This was our selection of the Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India. We hope this is useful to you. The order of this list is random.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Legaltech Startups?
Legaltech Startup is an online platform that offers legal-related services.
Who is the founder of Quant Legaltech?
Dhruv Nagarkatti is the founder of Quant Legaltech.
Which are the Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India?
SpotDraft, Volody, LegalMind, MikeLegal, Quant Legaltech,  PracticeLeague, Provakil, Legistify, Lawyered, and Blog iPleaders are the Top 10 Legaltech Startups in India.