HomeStoriesManufacturingNatural Battery Technologies - A Leading Manufacturer of Lithium Batteries for EVs

Natural Battery Technologies – A Leading Manufacturer of Lithium Batteries for EVs

Natural Battery Technologies - A Leading Manufacturer of Lithium Batteries for EVs

The FAME programme, which aims to accelerate the adoption and production of hybrid and electric vehicles, was implemented by the Indian government in 2019 and has had a positive impact on the country’s EV market. Natural Battery Technologies is a leading Lithium-Ion Battery manufacturer in India, located out of Rajasthan. The goal is to encourage the purchase of new electric vehicles by offering a variety of financial incentives.

Puneet Jain and Saurabh Patawaria, both from business families in Rajasthan, have always had a passion for entrepreneurship. And a test ride on a two-wheeled electric vehicle (EV) fueled their entrepreneurial journey. After this Puneet Jain and Saurabh Patawaria, Founded Lithium-ion manufacturing venture – Natural Battery Technologies in 2019 in Jaipur.

Natural Battery Technologies – Startup Insight

Startup NameNatural Battery Technologies
FoundersPuneet Jain and Saurabh Patawaria

Natural Battery Technologies is a leading Lithium-Ion Battery manufacturer in India, located out of Rajasthan. Startup is at the forefront of innovation as they continue to make the EV segment a better space. With a focus on delivering value through product and process innovation, Natural Battery is catering to the growing market for environment-friendly fuel supply. Currently, dealing with Lithium-Ion Batteries, Lithium-Ion Cells, LiFePO4 Cells, Battery management Systems, Solar Home Lighting systems, Battery Packs for Solar Street lights, Energy Storage systems (UPS & Inverter) & other portable devices, thus customizing the technology for various uses.

Today, Natural Battery is collaborating with automakers and solar energy storage to help them develop the core of their application, batteries! With primary goals which revolve around ensuring performance, safety, and space optimization, Natural Battery want to be a revolutionary in the energy storage & electric vehicle sector.

Natural Battery TechnologiesMotivation to start

The test ride on an EV vehicle was the starting point of it all! The surreal experience of driving EVs introduced Puneet Jain and SaurabhPatawaria to the world of lithium-ion batteries. Adding to it, they noticed that the industry had scope for the future of operations. Therefore, as a brand, they ventured into the market with the simple thought of manufacturing Lithium-ion batteries while tinkering with the various elements that go into this pack through R&D. The result was that Puneet & Saurabh came out with a product that would be superior in quality as well as performance.

Natural Battery TechnologiesCompetitors

There are numerous battery manufacturing companies in India. The ideal companies which Natural Battery consider their competition are Exide & Amaron led among some other big names. However, Natural Battery innovation is stand out from the rest. Lithium batteries are different from the traditional approach as they come with better technology, higher energy density batteries, higher life, and better performance while offering reliable protection measures.

Natural Battery TechnologiesProducts

Natural Battery into offering a wide range of accessible batteries, including the likes of EVs and other devices. Natural Battery product range comes with a slew of offerings, ranging from Lithium-ion batteries, and biomedical devices, to customized products, as per the likes of customers and the application.

Natural Battery Technologies – factor that has helped

Besides the fact that the EV industry is moving at a steadfast pace, Natural Battery primary location is what they think has helped them a great deal. The Rajasthan government has supported them greatly in their venture, offering new and better policies to help them leverage operations. Besides, the upgrade in tech and the need for cheaper and climate/environment-friendly transportation in the market have also been reliable measures.

Natural Battery Technologies decision during Startup

The toughest decision was to make a shift from the traditional job sphere and move into developing own manufacturing company or a kind of leasing model. A leasing model is an Investment heavy decision where you’re at a higher risk of the overall approach to your operations. Adding to it, we were from the non-manufacturing line, and making a switch was really tough.

Natural Battery Technologiescurrent position in the industry

Natural Battery is the leading regional player in the market. Supplying quality battery as safety is their primary concern.

Natural Battery Technologiestarget audience

EV organizations and other battery-applications companies are Natural Battery target audience.

Natural Battery Technologieskey milestones for the next 12 months

Natural Battery primary aim is to scale production by 10 times and leave behind a global footprint in a manner that they directly expand all resources not only in India but also in South Asian countries.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Natural Battery Technologies?

Natural Battery Technologies is a leading Lithium-Ion Battery manufacturer in India, located out of Rajasthan. Startup is at the forefront of innovation as they continue to make the EV segment a better space.

Who are the founders of Natural Battery Technologies?

Puneet Jain and Saurabh Patawaria are the founders of Natural Battery Technologies.

Who are the competitors of Natural Battery Technologies?

The ideal companies which Natural Battery Technologies consider their competition are Exide & Amaron led among some other big names.
