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How to Make Money from Content Creations and Yoga? Ratika Khandelwal | Roooted India

Discover how to make money through content creation and yoga with Ratika Khandelwal, the esteemed Yoga Trainer and Founder of Roooted India (roooted.in). 

At the age of 24, professional yoga trainer Ratika Khandelwal began her career. Prior to becoming a yoga teacher, Ratika studied finance. She worked in corporate for four years. In addition to her work, she studies for the CAT, CA, and CPT tests.

Journey of Ratika’s remarkable transition from the corporate world to becoming an entrepreneur and the visionary behind Roooted India. Explore how she generates revenue through sustainable products, yoga and meditation courses, and captivating content creation.

Join Ratika Khandelwal as she unveils her journey, filled with insights, anecdotes, and the heartfelt narrative of transitioning from an office job to an entrepreneur. Through Roooted.in, Ratika offers traditional and sustainable products at affordable prices, embodying her commitment to wellness and mindfulness

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