HomeVideoServiceStartup advice from Successful Entrepreneur | Nand Kishore Chaudhary

Startup advice from Successful Entrepreneur | Nand Kishore Chaudhary

Jaipur Rugs

Jaipur Rugs, one of India’s largest manufacturers of hand knotted rugs, was founded by Nand Kishore Chaudhary in 1978.

Startup advice from a successful entrepreneur –

According to Nand Kishore Chaudhary, people leave their passion & core and start their startup only in the competition of other people and due to this, more than 90% of startups fail.

Startups in rural areas –

Nand Kishore Chaudhary says that Entrepreneurs should learn a lot from good startups started in rural areas and there is a need to start startups in villages and small towns as well, which will develop the startup ecosystem in rural areas.

Is risk the only factor to start a startup?

Apart from the risk to start a startup, your passion, your curiosity, and your learning attitude all these factors also matter said Nand Kishore Chaudhary.

Advice to aspiring entrepreneurs –

Nand Kishore Chaudhary wants to tell the youth who want to start their own new business that first know yourself, recognize your passion and make that passion your business.

Importance of connecting with employees –

He says that he never differentiated between his family and his weavers and made a heart-to-heart connection with all the people and this heart-to-heart connection later turned into a brand.

Nand Kishore Chaudhary with Jaipur Rugs Weavers
Nand Kishore Chaudhary with Jaipur Rugs Weavers

“I like to call my life journey as the ‘University of Hard Rocks of my life as it was only after college that my real education began,” said Nand Kishore Chaudhary.

For entrepreneurs, the first step is always the most crucial. To start a startup it is necessary that you take risks, develop confidence in yourself and work harder than ever before and also try to learn a lot from those people who have become successful entrepreneurs through their hard efforts.

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