Cognecto, an AI solution provider, has raised Rs. 4 crores in a seed round led by Inflection Point Ventures. The company plans to use the funds to develop Regenerative Artificial Intelligence technology, which is designed to offer valuable business and operational insights specifically for the mining and construction sectors.
The technology will involve the integration of data from various telematics systems that are currently in use, as well as operator inputs from mobile apps and wearable devices. By incorporating AI, the system will enable smart allocation, and routing, and improve operational and maintenance effectiveness, as per reported by BW Disrupt.
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Vikram Ramasubramanian, Partner, Inflection Point Ventures, says, “The utilization of AI technology in the mining and construction sector is a significant advantage. These industries require real-time data to optimize time and resources effectively. Cognecto, with its state-of-the-art technology, offers solutions for infrastructural development, making it easier for even the most complex workforce to improve productivity on a large scale. IPV has always been at the forefront of extending support to innovative ideas that enhance productivity and optimize resources to their fullest potential.”
Cognecto, an Indian firm with headquarters in Bengaluru, is well-known in the country’s IT community for its innovative work in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Cognecto’s Rohet Sareen, Divyani Singh, and Anshul Saxena, the company’s head of business development, head of product development, and chief technology officer, intend to offer managed services and IoT, predictive analytics, and managed services linked to heavy machinery.
For the construction industry, the company provides AI-based solutions, particularly in the areas of analytics and managed services. They have answers for a wide range of construction equipment. The company has become well-known since it was established in 2020 for its original ways to problem-solving.
Cognecto is present on four continents worldwide. Several major industries, including mining, aluminum, motorways, and logistics, are supported by Asia, Europe, Australia, and Africa. They also provide a holistic perspective of mining and construction operations by connecting frontline personnel and equipment on a single platform, allowing firms to provide useful insights. The platform also provides specialized knowledge and key performance indicators (KPIs) that are industry-specific.
About Cognecto
Cognecto is an AI Solutions company with a laser focus on providing analytics solutions & managed services related to a mixed or homogeneous fleet of construction equipment.
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