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Anubhav Dubey Started Selling Tea, Giving Up CA, CAT, and IAS Exam Preparation; Now Built Rs. 150 Cr. Worth Company Through Chai Sutta Bar

Anubhav Dubey Started Selling Tea, Giving Up CA, CAT, and IAS Exam Preparation; Now Built Rs. 150 Cr. Worth Company Through Chai Sutta Bar

Father was thinking, One day my son will be an IAS officer, while Anubhav was selling tea with his friend Anand Nayak But today the valuation of the company is Rs.150Cr.

Meet Anubhav Dubey, who is the CEO and Co-founder of Chai Sutta Bar, which started with his friend Anand Nayak. At the age of just 23, both young and passionate entrepreneur built a multimillion company by selling tea.

Let’s embark on the journey of Anubhav Dubey

In September 1996, Anubhav Dubey was born into a middle-class family in the small town of Rewa District, Madhya Pradesh. After the 8th grade, Anubhav’s parents sent him to Indore for further studies. After schooling Anubhav started preparation for CA but failed, then prepared for the CAT exam but gave up.

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During this time, Anubhav used to do small business with his friends. It was the time when touch-screen mobiles had just entered the market, and they used to purchase a second-hand Samsung smartphone for Rs 6,000 with the contribution of his friends, then gave their mobiles on rent to students on a daily basis, and later sold the phone for a profit.

How did Anubhav’s entrepreneurial journey start?

Furthermore, On the insistence of his parents, Anubhav went to Delhi to prepare for the civil service examination because Anubhav’s parents wanted him to become an IAS officer.

One day, Anubhav’s friend Anand Nayak called him and said, brother Come back to Indore; let’s start our tea startup. Without informing his parents and thinking more, Anubhav caught 1st train from Delhi to Indore.

Aanubhav and Anand made their business strategies and did the hard work for launching their startup, Chai Sutta Bar.

What is Chai Sutta Bar?

Anubhav Dubey and Anand Nayak launched Chai Sutta Bar, India’s fastest-growing chai chain and franchise, in 2016 with a mere Rs. 3 lakh investment. Around the world, Chai Sutta Bar provides Kulhad Chai along with other foods like maggi, sandwiches and pizzas. The Chai Sutta Bar is a successful enterprise. As of December 31, 2022, their revenue was $704k. FY23, Chai Sutta Bar has 550 outlets in 320 cities. Every day, this provides more than 4.5 lakh cups of kulhad Chai.

Anubhav’s courageous behavior made him a successful entrepreneur and at the age of 28, this man built a Rs. 150 Cr. company.

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