In the third episode of the groundbreaking series “Indian Angels,” which is currently airing only on Jio Cinema, Ankit Agrawal, the CEO and co-founder of InsuranceDekho, made an investment of strategic significance in Heseos.
An additional INR 25 lakhs in loan at a 9.5% interest rate and INR 25 lakhs in capital have been invested in Heseos, demonstrating Agarwal’s support for creative ventures led by committed founders with a high integrity quotient.
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Ankit Agrawal, CEO and Co-Founder of InsuranceDekho, said,” I was impressed by the founder’s commitment to professionalism. Irshad knows exactly what he is building. I strongly believe that a business can only thrive if the person leading it has a clear vision. The founder demonstrated a solid understanding of unit economics. He knew that in B2B sales, you have to be focused on building deep relationships. I liked his integrity quotient; hence, I decided to invest in the business.”
Deep affection for the features and attributes that set businesses apart is at the core of Agrawal’s investment ethos. He is a firm believer in the strength of entrepreneurs who have a firm grasp of the competitive environment, business acumen, and the emotional resonance of their enterprise.
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Since its November 3 premiere, “Indian Angels” has established itself as the first angel investment programme on an over-the-top (OTT) platform, bringing a revolutionary format. This creative series democratises the financial landscape by showcasing seasoned angel investors such as Ankit Agrawal and allowing viewers to participate in the investment process. Biweekly episodes of the show are expected to air on JioCinema, providing astute viewing for prospective investors.
About Heseos
Smart technology goods and services are the area of expertise for Heseos, an IoT technology business. Their greatest efforts are directed on offering users and businesses alike the most feature-rich, high-quality, and approachable Smart Automation products that will revolutionise the way you live, work, and travel.
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