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Top Side Business Ideas In India

A side business, also known as a side hustle, is something you do alongside your main job. These are usually done outside regular working hours and can be anything from freelance services to small online stores. People start side businesses in India to earn extra income, pursue a passion, or even turn them into full-time jobs. Side business ideas help with financial stability, allowing you to pay off debts, save for future goals, or have extra spending money.

Side businesses ideas also let you explore hobbies, develop new skills, and meet new people. They are a great way to boost income and explore new business ideas with minimal costs or time commitments, offering both financial benefits and personal satisfaction.

Best Side Business Ideas in India

In this article, we’ll explore 15 side business ideas that require little to no investment and can help you generate a decent income.

Top Side Business Ideas In India

1. Digital Marketing

With the increasing demand for digital marketing, many businesses are moving online, creating opportunities for digital marketing. One can offer services like SEO, PPC, social media marketing, and content creation. Starting Digital Marketing requires needs a strong understanding of digital marketing techniques.

Income is often earned through client retainers and project fees. Digital marketing can be a great side business to do alongside your job. As social media grows, it can help you make a decent amount of money with less time. Digital marketing is rising as one of the great side business ideas among students who are wanting to earn decent money alongside their studies.

2. Blog or newsletter

If you enjoy writing or have valuable insights to share, blogging can be a profitable venture. Starting is easy with website builders like Weebly and WordPress. Success depends on maintaining consistency and quality. To build a loyal audience, you must regularly deliver valuable content that educates, informs, or entertains your readers. Once you have a steady content schedule, you can monetize your blog by selling products like online courses, coaching services, e-books, or webinars.

You can also earn money through ads or sponsored content. While it takes time and effort to see returns, this side business idea can be very profitable. Blogging can help you make a decent amount of money as a side business from home if you are good with words and can share interesting ideas through blogs and newsletters.

3. Apps and Website Developer

Mobile apps are in high demand, so if you have a new idea and coding skills, consider developing an app. You can also work as a mobile app developer for businesses needing custom apps. Basic software design knowledge and skills in languages like SQL, JavaScript, PHP, Python, or iOS are essential. If you don’t have coding skills but have app ideas, partner with developers for a profitable business.

For those familiar with web-building languages like HTML5, CSS3, Java, and JavaScript, building websites for clients can be a lucrative venture. From simple blogs to complex e-commerce sites, website development offers many opportunities to attract clients and grow your business. You can find paid projects on online freelance platforms. If you already develop apps and websites as your job, starting a side business can help you make extra money and master the art of coding.

4. SEO Consulting

If you’re skilled in search engine operations and tools like Google Ads and Google Analytics, consider becoming an SEO consultant for side businesses. Many owners underestimate how much SEO can impact their success. Start your online consulting business by educating clients about how SEO can improve their websites and increase conversion rates.

Use your marketing expertise to show the benefits of analytics, strategic keyword use, and content optimization in driving organic web traffic. With the rapid growth of social media, you can make a reasonable amount of money in SEO consultancy as a side business. You can find paid projects on online platforms and collaborate with writers or web developers. SEO consultancy is a great side business idea for individual as part time business.

5. Translator

This side business opportunity is perfect for people fluent in multiple languages. Besides translating text, you will need to adapt content to fit the cultural preferences of the target audience. Look for translation jobs on job boards or seek freelance positions with translation agencies.

Build a portfolio showcasing your best work. Consider getting certification training to improve your skills and qualify for higher-paying opportunities. Certified translators are highly valued by clients, including government agencies and corporations.

You can find paid translation projects on online platforms and earn money on an hourly basis. It is a good side business idea that can help you make a decent amount of money.

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6.  Fitness coach

Like many other service-based industries, fitness training has moved online. If you have fitness training experience then you can offer services online or offline could be a great opportunity. If you’re interested in fitness, you can become a part-time fitness coach, either online or offline.

Online fitness training often includes video lessons, which can be live or pre-recorded. Other aspects of a digital fitness business include workout guides, recipe books, and forums where class members can connect and share tips. You can be paid hourly, and with good knowledge about fitness, your passion can help you earn decent money as a side business.

7. Coaching service

If you prefer a personalized approach, consider coaching. This involves providing one-on-one guidance through video chat platforms like Zoom or Skype, or in-person sessions. Clients seeking career advancement, improved nutrition, or greater life fulfillment can benefit from your coaching.

Unlike educators who may provide exercises and grades, coaches focus on offering advice, guidance, and support to their clients. Establishing credibility through a side business blog or active presence on LinkedIn can enhance your reputation and expertise in your coaching topics.You can make decent money on the side if you have knowledge in a particular field. Coaching service is one of the great side business idea with zero investment.

 8. Consulting services

Consultancy is a professional service that offers specialized expertise and skilled labor for a fee. Offering consulting services, whether online or offline, is a profitable side business idea for individuals with specialized knowledge in fields like marketing, operations, or human resources. However, new consultants may struggle initially to attract clients.

To kickstart their business, they should focus on lead generation through platforms like LinkedIn and cold emailing during the first six months to expand their client base. Additionally, having a professional email address enhances credibility and increases the likelihood of success. It can help you make reasonable money.

9. Transcription services

Transcription services involve converting audio and video content into written form, serving various industries such as media, legal, academic, and corporate. With businesses increasingly relying on digital communication, the demand for skilled transcriptionists is growing, especially for tasks like transcribing interviews, meetings, podcasts, and other audio materials.

Online platforms and freelance marketplaces provide opportunities for transcriptionists worldwide, making transcription a flexible side business option. To turn this job into a profitable side business, establish a reputation for reliability and confidentiality, effective communication, meeting deadlines, and proficiency in transcription software and tools can enhance success in this profession.

10.  YouTube channel

Starting a YouTube channel can be both profitable and enjoyable as a side business ideas. It involves using your expertise to create engaging videos for your audience. You must learn video editing, or consider outsourcing this task if needed, and creating content that captures people’s interest.

There are numerous categories to choose from when creating videos, and the audience base is continually expanding. However, it’s important to make your content unique to retain your audience. Consistency is key to making a decent amount of money through this side venture.

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11. Photography

If you are passionate about photography, you can transform it into a side business by promoting your services locally and earning decent money per photoshoot.

You can specialize in photographing newborn babies and families, collaborate with local businesses to showcase their products, start a successful wedding photography business, partner with event managers to cover local events and expand your opportunities (and income) by selling your photos online through platforms like Shutterstock and Alamy.

12. Pubic relations

Public relations offers an opportunity to utilize your creative energy, and organizational skills, and connect with diverse individuals.

One can build relationships with various media outlets while assisting clients in effectively communicating their stories. Overall, public relations can be an engaging side business in India that ignites your business spirit while providing a profitable income stream.

13. Social Media Marketing

For those skilled in social media strategies such as content creation, social listening, and influencer marketing, it presents an excellent side business opportunity. Social media marketers use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok to promote company products or services, attract new customers, and engage with existing ones.

Utilize your personal social media accounts as a portfolio to showcase expertise and attract potential clients. Implement various social marketing techniques to enhance brand visibility, engage with the audience effectively, and stay updated with trends. Additionally, consider creating a portfolio website or blog to promote services. This side business idea can generate a decent income in less time, especially if you have a knack for understanding trends and creative skills.

14. Event Planner

The event planning industry is rapidly growing and thriving. Whether it is weddings, birthday parties, or corporate events, managing the organizational aspects of hosting an event can provide you with additional income.

Wedding planning services includes everything from officiating ceremonies to coordinating vendors and finalizing contracts. If you possess strong management skills and excel at implementing creative ideas in event planning, you can earn a decent income through event planning as a side business.

15.  Affiliate marketing

If you are skilled in marketing, becoming an affiliate can be a profitable venture. In affiliate marketing, you earn a commission by selling products for other companies. Commissions typically range from 1% to 50%. To start a side business in affiliate marketing, select a niche and create content to support the products you’re promoting.

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Choosing an industry you’re passionate about will make it easier to build a successful affiliate program. Then, search for companies offering affiliate programs that you can join through platforms like ShareASale, ClickBank, or Awin.


A side business offers a fantastic opportunity to supplement your income alongside a full-time job. It also allows you to develop new skills and potentially establish a primary source of income in the future. Launching a business alongside your main employment enables you to test the feasibility of your money-making ideas. Determine which ideas, business models, and products resonate most with you and your customers. This enhances the likelihood of success should you decide to transition from your day job to full-time entrepreneurship.


Q1. What is side business?

A side business, also known as a side hustle, is something you do alongside your main job.

Q2. How side business is helpful?

Side Business allows you to develop new skills and potentially establish a primary source of income in the future. Launching a business alongside your main employment enables you to test the feasibility of your money-making ideas.

Q3. Is consultancy a good side business idea?

Consultancy is a professional service that offers specialized expertise and skilled labor for a fee. Offering consulting services online or offline is a profitable side business idea for individuals with specialized knowledge in fields like marketing, operations or human resources.


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