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This EV startup is making the world’s first purpose-built E-Scooter | Dispatch

By Viestories
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Dispatch is the world’s first purpose-built E-Scooter manufacturer, co-founded by Rajit Arya and Navneeth Kannan in March 2020. Dispatch is solving the biggest challenge
Co-founders of Dispatch
Startup Name Dispatch
Founded 2020
Industry E-Scooter manufacturer
Founders Rajit Arya and Navneeth Kannan
Website http://www.dispatchvehicles.com/

Entrepreneurship is becoming such an important part of today's world and society. The purpose of an entrepreneur is not limited to profit earning but to creating something valuable for society.

Entrepreneurs use their intelligence, creativity and resources to bring a change in this world for the greater good.

One such entrepreneur who is working towards bringing a change in people's lifestyles and making it easier and feasible is Rajit Arya, the CEO of Dispatch. He has a fun-loving caring attitude, loves his family a lot and is crazy for dogs and horses. He admires the efforts being put around the world toward plant-based and lab-grown meats.

Rajit Arya, part of a punk rock band as a guitarist in his school days and drop out from Management studies, was always interested in technologies that are sustainable alternatives, with a belief that technology is good for the environment as well as efficient inthe long term. He had put his hands on solar energy, aerotechnics and EVs in his entire career journey. He aims towards developing hardware products that make unique use of the software.

Startup Idea

He put his ambition into work and started inventing an electric two-wheeler for personal mobility. That's when he realized that early adoption will come from fleet and commercial mobility, given the economic benefit fleets stand to make. That’s when they pivoted to start Dispatch.

He realized that current good quality EVs are more expensive to acquire when it come to personal mobility because of the low amount of usage but fleets use their vehicles five to ten times more and hence, EVs make for a great business case.

They identified that there was no electric two-wheeler in the market that was purpose-built for shared and commercial applications. This forced fleets to use vehicles that were originally designed and engineered for personal mobility which led to frequent breakdowns, downtime, and inefficiencies. And this was becoming a barrier in the transition to EVs.

That became the bridge toward the existence of Dispatch which is still in the process of fundraising and testing and validation of the product. Dispatch intends to start manufacturing in H1 2023. The target audience being gig economy workers and fleets that operate in last mile mobility, as the company develops products and services to improve their earnings, efficiencies and experience.

About Dispatch

Dispatch is the world’s first purpose-built E-Scooter manufacturer, co-founded by Rajit Arya and Navneeth Kannan in March 2020. Dispatch is solving the biggest challenge in commercial mobility, arising from the use of personal mobility vehicles for rideshare and last-mile delivery. Dispatch aims to build the world’s first purpose-built E-Scooter that is tougher, more reliable, ergonomic, connected, and adaptable for better unit economics and higher profitability.


Startup Journey

The key-driving force to pushing Rajit to become an entrepreneur was the fact that kept bothering him was that despite having some of the best minds, India still faces challenges in creating a solution of its own, especially with the products and hardware tech.

He faced a few difficulties and challenges in the bringing up of the start-up, like, getting a team together for a hardware product proved to be a difficult task because hardware requires a lot of people unlike software.

He says that the decisions made so far were fairly easy for them as they really wanted to do that, whether it was to leave their paying jobs or to build hardware tech. Those decisions are usually difficult, but they believed in their conviction which made it easy.

When asked about his reason of success, Rajit says, “Not a success yet, but I believe it will be perseverance. Unless you persist, it really doesn’t come to you. Hard work and being consistent at that is the only way to solve big problems or to succeed at something.”

Startup Team

He believes that all the people around him, who are joining the mission and are as enthusiastic about solving the problems as they set out to are the greatest source of motivation for him.

Advice for young entrepreneurs

Rajit has a piece of great advice for young entrepreneurs who are stuck at the crossroads that first and foremost, they should identify what they truly want to do and see themselves doing for a long time. It has to be something that one truly cares about and is passionate about.

Rajit said that his biggest inspiration comes from the regular gig worker, who works really hard and with just their vehicle earns a livelihood for their family. They overcome all limitations, from education to the lack of opportunities, and create their own.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is Dispatch?
Dispatch is the world’s first purpose-built E-Scooter manufacturer, co-founded by Rajit Arya and Navneeth Kannan in March 2020. Dispatch is solving the biggest challenge in commercial mobility, arising from the use of personal mobility vehicles for rideshare and last-mile delivery.
Who are the founders of Dispatch?
Dispatch is the world’s first purpose-built E-Scooter manufacturer, co-founded by Rajit Arya and Navneeth Kannan in March 2020.
What is the aim of Dispatch?
Dispatch aims to build the world’s first purpose-built E-Scooter that is tougher, more reliable, ergonomic, connected, and adaptable for better unit economics and higher profitability.
