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Take Your Career To The Next Level With These Suggestions

Whether you are just out of university and at the beginning of your professional life or are somewhere in the middle, or even have a clear sight of the sun setting on your career, there are things you need to do to elevate your job or find a new one. Keep reading to learn how to take your career trajectory to the next level.

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Pursue an Advanced Degree

If you already have a degree in a career field that excites and interests you, make a plan to go back to school for an advanced degree. For example, you can pursue a degree in a graduate diploma psychology program online. When you opt for online learning, you have the advantage of taking the courses at your own pace and from the comfort of your home or anywhere else you happen to be.

Advanced degrees are essential in some career fields to help you further your knowledge and obtain higher-paying positions. Through the act of taking on more schooling and training, you are showing your employer that you are invested in the career content. In addition, an advanced degree shows you are willing to put in the work and are trainable in new pathways toward success. All of this proves you are a marketable and interesting candidate both in your current workplace and as a job seeker.

Create a Mentorship Opportunity

When you decide to create a mentorship opportunity, the relationship can move in two ways. The first is when you seek a mentor to guide and counsel you throughout your career trajectory. The second comes about when you become the mentor. Sometimes, they are simultaneous.

  1. Mentee – When you are on the receiving end of the mentorship relationship, you have the opportunity to learn from your mentor’s guidance as well as their mistakes and failures. They can tell you about the best practices in your field, but the gold is in their related experiences.
  2. Mentor – If you are lucky enough to be someone’s mentor, you can find value in this role, too. As a mentor, you get to review your career thus far and relay the valuable successes and missteps to your mentor while relearning from your own experiences. Additionally, your mentee may be on the cusp of new technology or practices they recently learned during their time at university that you may not be aware of. The great thing about a mentoring relationship is that the benefits go both ways.

It is helpful to note that mentors can be found outside of your business vertical, too. The important component is that they have professional experience to share with you along with the willingness to do so.

Clean Up Your Online Presence

Take a few moments to think about what your online presence says about you. Does what you see make you proud or embarrassed? Are your social media identities something you would want your employer or a future employer to see? Depending on the answers to these questions, it might be time to take action. Consider the following points.

  • Make accounts private.
  • Remove or unfriend people from your accounts.
  • Unfollow people you no longer have a connection to or that could be viewed by others as potentially inflammatory.
  • Scrub old photos that do not show you in your best light.
  • Delete old and unused accounts altogether. Be sure to download any photos or content you wish to save first.
  • Go through all social media accounts you have online, including public and private profiles. Delete any content that no longer aligns with your outer image or values.
  • Set up a LinkedIn account.

Watch this video to learn how to set up a LinkedIn profile today.

Reassess Your Career Path

Sometimes, you need to take a step back and assess your current career situation. By sitting with yourself and contemplating your path, you can become more mindful of what you want and need in your career.

Ask yourself some of these questions to help determine where to go next in your career path.

  • Are you happy in your current job?
  • Do you have a dream job?
  • Is that dream job attainable?
  • What do you need to do to get that job?

Prepare for a New Job

Once you have an idea of where to go and what to do, if you realise that changing careers is your next best step towards taking your professional life to the next level, you need to begin preparing.

Start by using a vetted program designed to help you choose your next career path. Pay attention to everything you learn, and do not discount any new information that leads you away from your expectations. Sometimes, a switch to an entirely new profession is what you need to do.

From there, begin updating your resume. Start by creating a general resume. Once you have that, create new resumes from this personalised template by implementing keywords from the job descriptions and advertisements. Remember to add anything from your personal or professional background that is applicable to the job’s parameters.

Always draft a clear and concise cover letter for each job for which you are applying. Do this every time, even if it is listed as optional. Use the same keywords from the job description to highlight your ability to do the job well based on the company’s needs.

Finally, research the company online. If you are contacted for an interview, conduct a more thorough online dive into the company’s mission, vision, and values. Learn about what they do, provide, offer, and why they do it. Make a note to learn about their executive board as well as the hiring manager before the interview.

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If you feel ready for a career change or are just beginning your professional life, know that you have options on how to proceed. If you are ready for an advanced degree, find an online course to make the logistics easier on your life. Prepare for another position by doing your due diligence and getting your documents in order. Seek a mentorship relationship to help guide you along the way to your next professional stage.


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