HomeInsightShorts9 Proven Ways to Get 3 Average Viewers on Twitch

9 Proven Ways to Get 3 Average Viewers on Twitch

Twitch is a popular platform where people can watch others play games or do other activities live. For streamers, having viewers is very important. When you have people watching your live stream, it forms part of the engagement you need to grow and become reputable on Twitch.

If you are a small streamer, you consistently need an average of 3 viewers to gain more visibility and relevance, especially if you are aiming to reach the Twitch Affiliate status, which gives streamers more tools and ways to earn money.

This might seem like a small number, but really, it can be challenging for you to achieve this in all your live sessions. So in this article, we will share with you some effective ways you can get 3 average viewers on Twitch.

How to Get 3 Average Viewers on Twitch

How to Get 3 Average Viewers on Twitch

Constantly having an average of 3 viewers in streams, is the first milestone for every Twitch beginner. Below are some guaranteed ways to achieve this:

1. Buy Twitch Viewers

Buy Twitch Viewers

The easiest way to increase your viewers on Twitch is by purchasing them, which helps to boost your visibility, attract other organic viewers, and qualify for the Twitch Affiliate Status. However, ensure that you only acquire genuine views from a renowned source.

An easy and safest way is to buy real Twitch Viewers from Media Mister, a reputable social media agency that delivers 100% authentic views, with a high retention rate, secure payment, and offers a money-back guarantee.

This will give you the first-hand support that you need in your Twitch streams, and help you achieve success within a shorter time.

2. Invest in Top-Notch Gear

Making use of good quality equipment is very important to improve your Twitch stream engagement. It helps your stream look and sound professional, which makes it more enjoyable for viewers, and can spur the interest of other organic users.

For beginners, affordable and high-quality gear is a must. Start with a good camera like the Logitech C920, which gives great video for a low price. For sound, the Blue Yeti microphone is a popular choice because it captures clear audio.

Also for good lighting, products like the Neewer Ring Light, also helps improve your stream’s look. With this gear, you can make your Twitch stream better without spending too much.

3. Create an Attractive Stream Title

An engaging and descriptive stream title can attract viewers because it tells them what to expect, which is probably their area of interest.

To write a compelling stream title, use keywords that people might search for. Include the game name if you are playing one, so fans of that game can find you. Add attention-grabbing phrases to make your stream stand out.

For example, instead of just “Playing GTA,” you could say “Epic GTA Battle! Can We Win?” This makes your title more interesting and helps viewers find your stream. A good title can make a big difference in getting people to click and watch.

4. Play Standard Games

Playing popular or trending games can attract a larger audience because many people are interested in watching them. This can help you get more viewers quickly. However, it’s also important to find a balance.

Playing only popular games might make it hard to stand out because many other streamers are doing the same. You should find a niche game that suits your interests and skills to make your stream unique and attract loyal viewers who share your passion.

This balance helps you grow your audience while staying true to what you enjoy and are good at.

5. Stream at the Right Time

Streaming during the times that your potential viewers are most active is important for you reach more people. To find the best times to stream, start by analyzing your viewer habits to know when most of your current viewers are online.

You can also use Twitch analytics, which shows data about your viewers’ behavior. Look for patterns in when viewers join and leave your stream. Additionally, check popular streaming times for your game or category.

By streaming at the right times, you increase your chances of attracting more viewers and growing your audience.

6. Schedule Automated Notifications

Setting up automated reminders helps ensure your viewers know when you’re going live. On Twitch and other social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook, you can schedule posts to remind your followers about your stream times.

On Twitch, you can use the built-in notification system. Enable notifications so your followers get alerts when you start streaming.

Create compelling messages by being enthusiastic and including what you’ll be doing, like “Join me for an exciting game of Fortnite!” This keeps your audience informed and eager to watch.

7. Interact Actively with Your Audience

Interact Actively with Your Audience

Interaction and engagement are key to retaining viewers on your stream. When you engage with your audience, they feel valued and are more likely to stay and return. Respond to comments, ask questions, and create interactive segments where viewers can participate.

This makes the stream more fun and helps build a strong community. By engaging with your viewers, you create a welcoming environment that encourages them to stay and become loyal fans.

8. Encourage Friends and Family to Support Your Stream

Leveraging personal networks can help build an initial viewer base. Friends and family can be your first supporters, helping you get those important early viewers. Encourage them to watch by sharing your stream link on social media and asking them to join.

Offer incentives like shout-outs, special mentions, or even small rewards for their support. By getting your personal network involved, you create a solid foundation for your stream and increase your chances of attracting more viewers.

9. Partner With Other Streamers

Collaborating with other streamers can increase your visibility and attract new viewers by exposing you to their audience. To find potential streaming partners, look for streamers who play similar games or have a similar style.

Follow them, watch their streams, and engage with their content. Once you’ve built a link, approach them politely, suggesting a collaboration like co-streaming or hosting each other’s channels for mutual benefits.


We have shared tested and trusted tips that can help you grow your Twitch Viewers, and become a popular on Twitch. Begin with using tips that can easily help you get instant viewers, and then leverage the other methods to retain them and grow. Good Luck!


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