HomeInsightShortsWomen’s Grooming Products Mired With Severe Health Concerns

Women’s Grooming Products Mired With Severe Health Concerns

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According to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, most women use an average of 12 beauty and personal care products daily. More often than not, these products contain harmful chemicals that their users absorb, inhale, and ingest. Unfortunately, some of these chemicals have been linked to severe health risks such as cancer, learning disabilities, congenital disabilities, and more severe health issues.

The American Cancer Society predicts that in 2024, there will be over 611,000 deaths from cancer in the U.S. As they say, prevention is better than cure, so we will discuss top women’s beauty and care products with deadly health risks in this article. This will help you be mindful of your products and avoid slowly poisoning your body over the years.

1. Chemical Hair Relaxers

Chemical hair relaxers are among the most harmful women’s grooming products. Because of their damaging impact, the U.S. FDA  is considering banning certain chemical hair straighteners. A chemical hair relaxer uses potent alkaline agents like sodium hydroxide or calcium hydroxide to break down protein bonds in the hair. 

These agents raise the hair’s pH, making it more pliable and easy to straighten. However, TorHoerman Law says certain chemicals, like formaldehyde, can be carcinogenic. Several studies have linked harmful chemicals in chemical hair relaxers to multiple forms of cancer, including uterine, breast, and endometrial cancer.

A study shows that women who used hair straightening products four times or more in a year are at double the risk of developing uterine cancer than those who don’t use them at all. There’s a growing body of evidence that chemical hair straighteners are associated with hormone-related cancers in women. 

In the U.S., there’s an active chemical hair straightener lawsuit against the manufacturers to hold them accountable for the harm caused by their products. The lawsuit alleges that many products contain banned chemicals like formaldehyde, and 84% of toxic ingredients are not listed on the packaging. 

2. Hair Dyes

Hair dyes are a part of many individuals’ beauty routines to either look aesthetic, cover stray grays, or experiment with different looks. A study has revealed that around 75% of women in the U.S. use permanent or semi-permanent hair dye.  

There are three types of hair dyes – temporary (doesn’t penetrate the hair shaft, goes away in 1-2 wash), semi-permanent (penetrates the hair shaft, goes away in 10 washes). And permanent. The permanent hair dyes, also known as coal-tar dyes because of some ingredients, alter the chemical construct of hair.

Studies have linked hair dye usage, or exposure to it, with cancer risks. It has been established that those who use or come in exposure to hair dyes have higher chances of developing bladder cancer, blood cancer, and breast cancer, among others. 

It’s important to note here that the overall risk of developing health issues from hair dye is considered relatively low for most individuals. However, it’s essential to be aware of potential risks and follow safety precautions when using hair dyes.

3. Makeup

According to a recent dataset, 67% of makeup users between 18 and 34 years old are more conscious about the ingredients used in makeup products. This is because it has been revealed that 44% of people who use cosmetics or makeup daily are more prone to experience adverse side effects on their health. 

Studies have revealed that makeup items like lip products, eyeliner, nail paint, foundation, sunscreens, eye shadows, and more contain harmful heavy metals. Some ingredients are contaminants, while others are added intentionally to preserve the product for a long time or achieve the desired result. These heavy metals include lead acetate, chromium, thimerosal, sodium hexametaphosphate, etc.

The Clean Beauty movement has gained momentum due to growing concerns about makeup products. This movement highlights using natural and ethically sourced ingredients in makeup products. And research has revealed that around 33% of the U.S. cosmetics market is now labeled clean. To protect yourself from harm, look for makeup products from brands that market clean products. 

4. Perfumes and Fragrances

Everyone loves to smell good; perfumes or fragrances are a staple in every household. Fragrances are used in everything from soap to lotions for that pleasing scent we love about our favorite products. But did you know that fragrances stink when it comes to harming our health?

The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) has listed around 3,200 materials used in fragrance compounds. Some of these ingredients have been associated with health issues like cancer, allergies, and reproductive problems. When buying grooming products, it’s crucial to check for ingredients like acetaldehyde, benzophenone, Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), propylparaben, etc.

Everyone loves to look and feel good, but this should not come at the cost of developing grave health issues in the long run. Apart from the products listed in this article, many others have been known to disrupt individual health. When choosing a grooming or beauty product, do your due diligence and look up its ingredients for any potential health concerns. 


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