
Artha was founded in 2010 by Priti Prajapati and Sunil Tayal


Specializes in real estate and construction, this startup offers innovative and sustainable design solutions for different types of projects

Artha emphasizes work ethics, quality, sustainability, and accurate financial quotes

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Artha values the emotional attachment between owners and their buildings which is what makes the company so valuable

The Indian construction and real estate industry is expected to register a CAGR of 9% during the forecast period of 2023 to 2028

Priti Prajapati leads the design aspect, while Sunil Tayal handles the management

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Artha aims to provide exceptional customer service

The startup has overcome initial challenges by building a strong team and effective communication with clients

It is one of the few one-stop real-estate construction startups of its kind

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Artha is poised to contribute to the growth of the real estate and construction industry

Artha is creating a footprint on the International market in the Design and Architecture fields

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