Image Source - Freshokartz

Apna Godam - Minimum Guaranteed Price

Farmers can sell their goods without going to mandi using Apna Godam App's MGP scheme.

MGP stands for Minimum Guaranteed Price

The farmer receives a minimum guaranteed price slip after the Apna Godam app agent inspects the goods.

After this, the farmer has to deposit his grain in the warehouse within 72 hours.

The grain is re-bid at the warehouse, and if the price is higher than the minimum guaranteed price, the farmer gets more.

After MGP is released, the farmer can use storage and finance to keep the goods in the warehouse or wait for a higher price.

The farmer can also openly take his food grains to the warehouse and receive the full amount on his account.

If the farmer cannot deposit his grain in the warehouse within 72 hours, he can contact the agent and get the new price slip.

Select grain on the app and click "sell" to sell. Select the field goods by selecting the kisaanee vikalp.

After entering the grain weight, click submit, then book now, keeping in mind the terms and conditions below. Apna Godam's agent will come to the farm.