Guru Mann Born in 26 August 1981 Muscle Building and Fat Loss Fitness Expert

Guru Mann is not just a fitness trainer; he is an advanced trainer in fitness, nutritionist, sports fitness trainer, and fitness author. 

There are many other roles played by him in the field of fitness.

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology/Biomechanics. He is also a BS in Exercise & Sports Science from California State University. 

Mann attained various other certificates related to fitness and is perfect to talk about the subject. 

Guru is highly focused in robust fitness training routine and inspires others to follow the same.  

After having hands on experience in fitness and modeling for over 17 years, Guru is recognized as one of the great inspirations for the youth and other fitness freaks

Life was not the same for Guru a few years ago. He was skinny and used to hate himself for hiding his not so appealing body. 

He fought against all odds and devoted his time wholeheartedly at the gym. 

One of the most trustworthy sources for information about Indian and international nutrition companies is Guru Mann.