The List of Startups Funded by Aman Gupta are Hoovu Fresh, STAGE, Gear Head Motors, Very Much, Floryo, Licious, WYLD, The Renal Project, WickedGud, Bummer, Skippi Ice Pops, Shiprocket, Anveshan, AyuRhytm, 10Club, PeeSchute, Beyond Water, InACan ,Farda Clothing, Nuutjob, Altor, Bluepine Foods, COCOFIT, Find Your Kicks India, Brainwired, Jain Shikanji, Revamp Moto, Namhya Foods, Ariro, Let’s Try, Raising Superstars, The Yarn Bazaar, Growfitter, Meatyour, ChargeUp, EventBeep, Hammer, Beyond Snack, LOKA