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How this NIT Rourkela Alumni Redesigning Your Personal and Professional Growth | FailTell

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How this NIT Rourkela Alumni Redesigning Your Personal and Professional Growth | FailTell
Swagat Mohanty and Rahul Mohanty, founders of FailTell

There has been a rise in cases of stress, depression, anxiety, psychological isolation, emotional challenges, fear of failure amongst the masses since the onset of the COVID pandemic. Even though people are surrounded by their own people all the time, they still might not find the right person to talk to and resonate with, or share their agonies without any hesitation. Amidst this rising stress, there is an increase in the number of suicides and depression cases where people give up on themselves even when faced with the smallest of failures. Everyone have closely seen these scenarios with their family and close friends and also personally felt the full brunt of the increasing stress and loneliness. 

FailTell – Startup Insight

Startup Name FailTell
Founded 2020
Industry Consumer Services
Founders Swagat Mohanty and Rahul Mohanty
Website https://www.failtell.com/

In such circumstances, someone needs to step forward and work towards the cause. There are many reforms and efforts being put up around the world. And one such reformers are Swagat Mohanty & Rahul Mohanty, the founders of FailTell, established on August 4, 2020 as a digital platform to connect people with similar life experiences. The idea was to build a community where people shared their stories of overcoming failures that one could read and resonate with. The idea was to help people find their role models via real-life stories, and make them believe that they are not alone in this. 

FailTell - Startup

FailTell is now the first all-in-one online platform that offers a wide range of services to help everyone overcome failures, conquer mental health & emotional challenges, strategize career and deal with everyday concerns for personal, emotional and professional growth. Be it mental health support, uncertain career decisions, or just someone you want to talk to who could help you lead a more meaningful and happier life, FailTell offers a one-stop solution to redesign one’s personal and professional growth, with its wide range of services.

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The founders, Swagat Mohanty & Rahul Mohanty are grown up in business families. Swagat is a 2018 graduate from NIT Rourkela. Rahul is 2020 Dual degree graduate from NIT Rourkela. They both have known each other for 9 years and have always wanted to create something of their own rather then plunging into respective family businesses. Their experiences as a product owner in Telecom Sector and Financial Services Industry helped them to move forward.

Startup Journey

Their journey started while exploring the social media. They discovered how social media has become a space of superficial superiority where people show only their 'good side'. One can easily find people posting about their successes but hardly anyone shared the 100 failure attempts that led to those successes in the first place.

‘’Our mission is to make a space of reality where people are more aware of the attempts which lead to failure and how they overcome that in a more practical way. This is needed so as to have a more holistic view of a process rather than just glorifying success stories.” Says the founders of FailTell.

They found that there is no such platform where people share their failure stories or life experiences in one place which made them eager to do something to address such issues and de-stigmatize failure. That's how their brainchild “FairTell” was born.

As the pandemic situation worsened, many people found ourselves to be the victims of a plethora of pandemic woes - heightened emotions, mental health fallout, employment uncertainty, anxiety about the future, and more. In one way or the other, the pandemic certainly did affect our health, career, lifestyle, mind-set and life in general.

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Startup Services


Career Mentoring is the most widely used service in the newly introduced range of services. FailTell believes that anyone can accelerate in their careers if given proper assistance and guidance. Their team of domain-specific career mentors with diverse experiences range from popular industries like IT, Entrepreneurship, Consulting and Analytics, BFSI to lesser-known ones like Venture Capital, Product Management, Fashion Designing, Modeling, Fine Arts, Government Services, Healthcare, Hotel Management, etc. With a compassionate and caring network of counsellors/therapists, life coaches, and domain-specific career mentors, their goal is to make all of their services accessible and affordable to everyone, without compromising on the quality. 

People are in requirement of what they are making. The team of FailTell believes that it is an open and competitive market with many big players but still has too much depth in it which is yet to be explored to its full potential. They are striving to find new ways for constantly evolving the product to make it more market-fit, which is what makes people want their product more. Every single person in life faces such problems at one point or another. When such a person is in need of a solution, FailTell made sure that it is easily accessible, reliable yet affordable, and bonus is to find all “at one place”.  The introduction is everything and that is where they excelled!

As much destruction the pandemic caused in the world, it did one good thing, i.e., becoming the key driving force for many to become entrepreneurs and thrive to bring some social change in this world. Mohanty’s agrees to the same and admits that the mental health problems faced by people due to boredom, fluctuating emotions, failures, uncertain future during pandemic made them aware and urged to do something. While practising social distancing, they found it imperative to build a social-networking platform where people can share their failure stories and even guide and support others, as mentors. Their mission is to make one feel that ‘You are not alone!’ when it comes to facing failures and when you need someone with a similar life story to talk to, they say that they are present to listen, support and guide you. The founder found many of his friends who are working professionals and college juniors giving in to anxiety, stress, depression, etc. when faced with failures during such difficult times. The idea of solving this problem made them dive into the world of entrepreneurship.

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Challenges faced

But just like every entrepreneurship journey is full of challenges, FailTell also had to face some problems. The initial challenge they faced while setting up was finding affordable and reliable technology resources including developers for the website. Since they were already catering to an overcrowded market, there was this constant pressure to find their USP to stand out from all the big players in the market. Another major setback they faced was to convince people to share their stories of struggles, failures and challenges considering the stigma attached to the same in our country. They also endured some difficulties while scaling up overseas as they had a limited understanding of the customers’ needs in those geographies via the campus ambassadors that were hired from campuses abroad.


Currently, their venture is bootstrapped as they decided. Further, they have received credits from Amazon Web Services according to AWS Activate Portfolio which covers a part of their tech costs. They have also received help and support from Start-up Odisha to scale up.

Startup Structure

The current structure of their start-up consists of two founders - Swagat Mohanty & Rahul Mohanty. The respective team heads of each team - Tech, Marketing,  Creative Design, Human Resources, Operations report to the founders directly. Each team has few part time employees, interns & campus ambassadors who run the whole show under the able guidance of the team head.

They mainly rely on growing organically by expanding their user base with the help of their interns and campus ambassadors from India. Their campus ambassadors promote their services and carry out promotional or educational events within a particular campus they belong to. This helps them widely reach out to the student base of that campus. By hiring 15 campus ambassadors from campuses abroad, they were able to garner around 500 users from countries like USA, UK, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, to name a few.

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Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What is FailTell?
FailTell is now the first all-in-one online platform that offers a wide range of services to help everyone overcome failures, conquer mental health & emotional challenges, strategize career and deal with everyday concerns for personal, emotional and professional growth.
Who are the founders of FailTell?
Swagat Mohanty & Rahul Mohanty are the founders of FailTell.
What is the funding structure of FailTell?
Currently, their venture is bootstrapped as they decided. Further, they have received credits from Amazon Web Services according to AWS Activate Portfolio which covers a part of their tech costs. They have also received help and support from Start-up Odisha to scale up.
