
 Shreya Kapoor is a female influencer breaking stereotypes   

Long gone are the days when women were refrained from being involved in the finances or businesses of the home or their spouses.   

Because today, women are doing it for themselves, for their families, as well as for their spouses. 

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Shreya Kapoor is a female influencer breaking stereotypes and educating people to be financially independent 

one reel at a time. Learning about savings, expenses, and investments can be overwhelming. 

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But Shreya makes it easier by addressing each aspect one by one in each reel. 

While switching jobs people sometimes forget to transfer their EPF (Employee provident fund) account.  

They leave it as it is and open a new account with the new employer.  

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This results in creation of multiple accounts for the same person. 

one reel at a time. Learning about savings, expenses, and investments can be overwhelming.