Reema Arora born on February 1998
Reema Arora born on February 1998
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Reema Arora known as Vireema
Reema Arora known as Vireema
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Vireema makes exercise-related supportive videos for her fan following on Instagram and Youtube
Vireema makes exercise-related supportive videos for her fan following on Instagram and Youtube
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On Instagram she has 641K followers
On Instagram she has 641K followers
She has promoted many popular health-related brands - VIVO, OATE, PONUTRIIN INDIA, ASITIS, and WOW
She has promoted many popular health-related brands - VIVO, OATE, PONUTRIIN INDIA, ASITIS, and WOW
She is the founder of Advitiya Yoga posts trending reels and even doles out advice on health, nutrition and workouts.
She is the founder of Advitiya Yoga posts trending reels and even doles out advice on health, nutrition and workouts.
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After one of her relatives was diagnosed with diabetes, she vowed to hit the gym every day
After one of her relatives was diagnosed with diabetes, she vowed to hit the gym every day
And later on decided to build a career in fitness.
And later on decided to build a career in fitness.
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