Piyush Bansal has invested in e-commerce companies Shiprocket, and DailyObjects.com

Image Source - Ins/@peyushbansal

Peyush Bansal has invested in the robotics company PNT Solutions

Peyush Bansal has invested in the edtech company Aas Vidyalaya 

Peyush Bansal has invested in the footwear company Find Your Kicks India 

Peyush Bansal has invested in dairy product companies Humpy A2, and Organic Farms

Peyush Bansal has invested in eco-friendly product-making companies Ariro and Carragreen 

Piyush Bansal has invested in agritech companies KG Agrotech, Meatyour

Peyush Bansal has invested in healthtech companies Watt Technovations, Sunfox Technologies, Brainwired, vivalyf, Smiles.ai

Peyush Bansal has invested in foodtech companies InACa, The State Plate 

Know more About Namita Thapar