Leena Nair was born on June 11, 1969
Leena Nair was born on June 11, 1969
Her hometown is Kolhapur, Maharashtra
Her hometown is Kolhapur, Maharashtra
She has graduated from XLRI – Xavier School of Management as the gold medallist
She has graduated from XLRI – Xavier School of Management as the gold medallist
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In 1992, she joined Unilever as management trainee of Hindustan Unilever
In 1992, she joined Unilever as management trainee of Hindustan Unilever
Nair served as the Chief Human Resource Officer of Unilever
Nair served as the Chief Human Resource Officer of Unilever
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In December 2021, Nair was appointed chief executive officer of Chanel
In December 2021, Nair was appointed chief executive officer of Chanel
She was in Top 10 list of FT HERoes Champions of Women in Business by the Financial Times (2017-2019)
She was in Top 10 list of FT HERoes Champions of Women in Business by the Financial Times (2017-2019)
In 2019, she was in the list of Thinkers Who Will Shape the Future of Business
In 2019, she was in the list of Thinkers Who Will Shape the Future of Business
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She was selected for Fortune India's Most Powerful Women's List in 2021
She was selected for Fortune India's Most Powerful Women's List in 2021
Currently she is Global CEO of Chanel company
Currently she is Global CEO of Chanel company
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