Deepthi Sunaina was born on 10 November 1998 in Hyderabad
Deepthi Sunaina was born on 10 November 1998 in Hyderabad
She is pursuing the degree in arts
She is pursuing the degree in arts
Her real name is Deepthi Reddy
Her real name is Deepthi Reddy
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She is social media sensation
She is social media sensation
Deepthi began her career by debut in the 2018 blockbuster film Kirrak Party
Deepthi began her career by debut in the 2018 blockbuster film
Kirrak Party
Sunaina’s income comes from modeling, acting, monetizing content
Sunaina’s income comes from modeling, acting, monetizing content
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She is the youngest contestant in the Bigg Boss Telugu2
She is the youngest contestant in the Bigg Boss Telugu2
Her net worth is around $
140 Million
Her net worth is around $
140 Million
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Currently she is focusing on Telugu Film Industry
Currently she is focusing on Telugu Film Industry
She is having 4 M followers on Instagram
She is having 4 M followers on Instagram
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Green Bulb
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