Candida Louis, 28 years old from Hubli, India
Candida Louis, 28 years old from Hubli, India
Her father gifted her motorcycle on birthdays and from then onwards, it’s been an incredible journey.
Her father gifted her motorcycle on birthdays and from then onwards, it’s been an incredible journey.
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She grew up in Hubli and shifted to a bigger city(Bangalore) for work
She grew up in Hubli and shifted to a bigger city(Bangalore) for work
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Worked for 5 years at Oracle and Infosys,
Worked for 5 years at Oracle and Infosys,
While commuting in traffic every day for a minimum of 2 hours for office
While commuting in traffic every day for a minimum of 2 hours for office
She would look out the office window every day and dream to be riding around the World
She would look out the office window every day and dream to be riding around the World
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In 2015, I took a sabbatical of three months and rode through North and South India
In 2015, I took a sabbatical of three months and rode through North and South India
After that she never go back to a desk job. She came back, resigned, served the notice period and then went back on the road
After that she never go back to a desk job. She came back, resigned, served the notice period and then went back on the road
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