Home Insight Shorts Head-on Collisions: One of the More Devastating Types of Car Accidents

Head-on Collisions: One of the More Devastating Types of Car Accidents

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Head-on collisions account for 10% of recorded deaths in the United States. These accidents leave most victims with painful, long-term scars.

Luckily, victims can contact car accident lawyers to get the compensation they deserve. Additionally, an attorney provides the legal expertise to battle stubborn insurance companies.

In this article, we’ll look at why head-on accidents occur and explore the risks involved. Without further ado, let’s get into it!

Why Do Head-on Collision Occur?

Head-on crashes result in multiple casualties and excessive asset damage. So, what leads to these accidents?

Negligent Drivers

Reckless driving is the leading cause of head-on accidents and can happen in the following ways:

Ignoring Traffic Rules

Most drivers ignore crucial traffic rules, leading to gruesome accidents. The most commonly disregarded road rules include the following:

  • Inappropriately changing lanes
  • Overlooking traffic lights at intersections
  • Overtaking

Speeding and Reckless Driving

An overspeeding driver can cause head-on collisions on busy roads. It can also cause other motorists to unintentionally change lanes to dodge the overspeeding vehicle, further endangering parties like pedestrians or cyclists.

Alcohol Abuse

Intoxication can lead to hasty and poor decision-making on the road. It can also affect visibility and the ability to see oncoming cars.

Secondary and Third-Party Influences

These are other mistakes or factors that can result in head-on collisions. They are listed below.

  • Distractions: Factors like changing your stereo or using the phone can lead to unintentional changing of lanes. In worst-case scenarios, you’ll be unable to control the steering and swerve off the road.
  • Driver’s fatigue: Like an intoxicated driver, a tired driver can make irrational decisions on the road.
  • Damaged roads: Poorly maintained roads can influence drivers’ decisions. This is especially true when overspeeding or in low-light conditions.
  • Bad weather conditions: Your visibility will be poor during bad weather.
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Risks You Can Suffer in Head-on Situations

You risk suffering various damages, like injuries, property damage, and income/job loss. As mentioned, a credible lawyer can help battle your case while you’re in the hospital or negotiate necessary compensation to cover your bills.

Injuries and Medical Issues

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)

Head-on collisions are notorious for causing traumatic brain injuries. Usually, they lead to mild-to-severe concussions, where the victim ends up taking medication for a long time.


You risk being paralyzed if your spine is injured. This can occur in extreme cases, especially when overspeeding.

Chest Fracture

Rapid impact with the steering wheel can rupture your chest and endanger your heart. Always wear a seat belt correctly to stay safe and minimize the force of impact.


Fractures, especially in the legs, can subject victims to extensive periods in a wheelchair. You can also sustain other injuries, like broken ribs, depending on the magnitude of the accident.

Psychological Trauma

Accidents can cause mental distress. You might need professional help, like therapy, to fully recover.

Wrongful Death Cases

The more severe cases of head-on collisions lead to wrongful death. This leaves family and friends to grapple with emotional loss and the burden of following up on extensive legal processes.

Asset Damages

Your vehicle might be completely damaged after a head-on accident. This can happen after colliding with heavy and large vehicles. A reliable advocate should help attain total compensation from the at-fault party or stubborn insurance companies/adjusters.


Living with the consequences of a head-on collision can be challenging. This includes situations where close relatives need to handle court procedures in search of justice. Ensure that you follow the necessary road rules to avoid unnecessary collisions.


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